February 05, 2009

Youku nurse injection

I was looking at the FEEDJIT feed. It seemed someone came upon my blog while searching for 'youku nurse injection'. So I tried it out with Yahoo. Sure enough, one of my posts was among the first few in the list. But this post does not have those 3 words and there is nothing about them either. However, the words nurse and injection appear in the comments.

This is the post:

Another thing, I find that the blogs I visited appear better using Internet Explorer. With one version of Firefox, the blogs look a little different and some pictures don't appear.

Want to increase comments
in your blogs? This blogger tells you 10 ways to do it:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I'm an visual communications student from the School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University.

I'm working on a graphic design project that requries me to find a fading tradition in Singapore and interview somebody familiar with said tradition - I'm wondering if you're interested?

Chinese opera is such a visually powerful artfrom: I would love to learn about a fundamental art form in my own culture and raise awareness of it.

Do let me know if you're available for contact via email? I can be contacted at vonn.ppot@gmail.com.

I look forward to hearing from you!