1. Below is an old movie flyer copied from another site. It was an advertisement for a Cantonese movie starring Chan Bao Zhu, a famous actress in the seventies, at Jubilee Cinema. The old Jubilee Cinema is no more there. At its place now is the Raffles Hotel. There is a Jubilee Theatre (Guang Hua Ju Yuan) at level 3.
Anyone of you still keeping this type of old movie flyers?
2. I just read a post. It says there is a limit to the size of your photo storage for your blogs. I was not aware of that, are you? When you reach your limit, you have to pay for more space if you want to post more photos. Next time better reduce the size of the photos before I post.
3. Once in a while, I see such comments in my videos - people asking where they can buy the vcds. I suppose they were asking me and not just any one. But they are not living in Singapore, they are staying in Canada, USA or some other country. My reply won't help them, right?
Anyway, the majority of my vcds/dvds were bought in Singapore. Some were from Hong Kong and Guangzhou. One of the shops which has quite a lot of opera vcds in Singapore is at Chinatown - Da You Dept Store (level 2), Smith Street.
If you come to Singapore, don't forget to visit our colourful Chinatown and you can go the vcd store to have a look.The light-up at Chinatown for the Mid Autumn Festival will be coming soon.
紅鸾星动 - 李淑勤 An unmarried girl is pregnant. She confesses to her mother comes. Her mother is furious. This excerpt is from the opera 紅絲 錯. The hua dan is Lee Seok Ken from the Fo Shan Cantonese Opera Troupe (佛山青年粵劇團)
female tree ..... male fruit ..... female durian ..... By the way, did you notice that the second clock in the second post below this does not have the number 3? You didn't, right?You know, when my father first brought the clock back and fixed it up, none of the four of us noticed that. I think my father also didn't.
This is an old post brought forward. I will be moving forward some other old video posts from time to time. My old videos at YouTube are not there anymore, so I want to upload some of the old videos to my new channel.
Autumnal Rain is the name of this movie :
Briefly, the story:
A Japanese girl was in China learning Pekin Opera. She fell in love with a young Chinese man, who was a Pekin Opera artiste. But then they learnt of a horrible secret. In the war years the girl's grandfather was a soldier in the Japanese Army that invaded China and he was the one who killed the man's grandfather. So, conflicting emotions were set in motion.
In the clip below the Japanese girl played the role of the princess in a Pekin opera. Her Chinese lover acted as her husband, Yang Si Lang . It is an emotional scene. 铁镜公主 & 楊四郎 .....
I forgot about an old grandfather clock we have because it retired many years ago. I don't think it qualifies to be in the museum yet. Here it is :
This is the one we are using now :
Instant Laksa Have you tried this instant mee with laksa flavour. Just add boiling water to the mee, the ingredients and spices and cover for 3 minutes ...
It is miles away from the real thing. But if you are desperate for laksa ...
What do you call words which have the same sound but have different meanings? My father used to say 'don't know, check dictionary'. I looked up the dictionary and found that the word is homophone.
But generally we use the word homonym. Homonyms are words with the same sound, can be same or different spellings, but with different meanings.
For example: knew and new, heir and air, pear and pair, deer and dear.
Why was I thinking of this? I was reading something and the Mandarin news was on, on TV. Then I heard the word bao yu. I thought of abalone. In cantonese, abalone is bao yu. In Mandarin the yu sounds a little different. But, the news was not about abalone. It was about floods and destruction caused by torrential rain (bao yu).
In Chinese comedies, sometimes scriptwriters like to give characters names which have homonyms that are hilarious. I have no example in mind at the moment.
There is a HK drama on TV. It is more on the comedy side. In the story there is wacky but intelligent magistrate by the name of Shui Dong Lou (水東樓). In cantonese, Lou (building, 樓) and Liu (flow, 流) are homonyms; they have the same sound - Lau. I think the scriptwriter chose this name because he wants the name to be associated with a phrase in a well-known poem 'The water in the river flows east'. But since the show here is in Mandarin, the association is not so obvious.
These are my National Day T-shirts bought in the past few years. Actually only two have just been washed and hung out to dry. I put up the other two for photo-taking only. Otherwise they would feel left-out.
Also not to leave out this one - the latest, 2009.
粤唱越好戏——珊珊的博客(http://blog.sina.com.cn/shanshan12212) This blog has news and information about cantonese opera in the Guangdong province. The blogger is a young lady working in the media as a reporter/presenter/performer.
Names Yesterday there was a letter in the papers written by someone called Paul Chan. I doubt he is a businessman. Do you know what Paul Chan means in Chinese? It means Bankrupt. Here are some English names which sound quite humorous in Chinese. I copied them from this blog : http://mulanstation.blogspot.com/ There are some more there. The blog is in Chinese.
Faye Chen ~ ( 华) – 灰尘 Carl Cheng ~ (福建) – 屁股 Jane Tan ~ (华) – 煎蛋 Paul Chan ~ (华) – 破产 Nelson Tan ~ (华) – 鸟生蛋
Several months ago I said 'Blink your eyes and it would be National Day'. And today is our National Day. Time passes really fast. Blink your eyes again and it would be the year of the Tiger.
On our great Day, the Gods, Deities and Fairies give us their blessings ...
I found three short clips of local performances that I took more than 1 year ago - two shengs and one dan. I joined them together and put it here to show you. I only recognize the dan. She is Loh Siew Leng, 卢少玲. I don't know who the two shengs are. If anyone of you can recognize them, please let us know.By the way, do you know what character the dan was performing.
Quiz: See the blog header picture, what is the name of the sheng in the yellow costume (the one further in on the stage)?
As you are aware, there are many food blogs by Singaporeans. In recent weeks I have been looking at some of them, not those that tell you where you can eat the best this and that but those that tell you how to cook.
I look at posts about easy-to-cook food.The seafood noodle in one of the posts below is an example. Here is another one. Can you see the things in the dish?
Well, it is chicken meat fried with cashew nuts. I first ate this dish in a restaurant in Bangkok. That time we had this dish not really for dinner but to go along with beer.
Quiz More than one year ago I posted this quiz question : What horse (ma) nobody dares to ride and which is served by many people? (Don't forget, this question is in Chinese and the answer is also in Chinese. Otherwise there is no meaning.) Remember the answer ..... Fu Ma (驸马) or prince-consort
But if you ask the question now, I think there are two answers. The other one is Obama (奥巴马).
Victor drew a funny-looking object which he put up in this post. He says it is a glass jar. His description, except for the dimensions, fits a jar that I have. I was happy because I got something old to show off. Mine is a smaller jar - height 20cm, base diameter 13cm, mouth diameter 9cm.
I can't remember why we kept this old jar. Most of the old things we had have been thrown away. I used to have quite a lot of old Chinese movie magazines. Unfortunately, they were thrown away too.