October 06, 2009

12th anniversary

 First, a little about the previous post. I said that Jeong Mun Tuin was holding something valuable. If you have not visited Singapore before you may not recognize our currency. Well, those are pieces of Singapore's $50 notes.

Another thing, in the second photo I show you one of the second huadans, 梁曉瑩. She is the one doing makeup in my header picture. 

On Sunday night I went to watch Qiu Yong Ji Music Studio's 12th anniversary shows. For your information, Qiu is from China and is now a Singapore Citizen. He teaches singing, including Cantonese operatic songs  and I think he also teaches instruments like the erhu and gaohu.


That night there were 6 operatic songs. All were duets but among the 12 singers, there was only one male. So in the other 5 songs, the singers of the male parts were females. This is common in Cantonese opera shows and operatic songs concerts for the simple reason that most people who take up these art forms are females.

I chitchatted with one of the singers. She said she has been learning singing for a few years and she has been practising the song she sang for many months. A few years can be anything from three to ten years and many months can be as long as one year. And quite a number of them hop from one teacher to another.

It is not difficult to pick out the more experienced ones; they have poise and usually sing better.


Anonymous said...

I was also there on Sunday nite. The singers are all amateurs. Like to listen to ur comments. Which is the best couple in singing ?

fr said...

Hard to pick the best; I would say the second, third and fifth were good and I feel that the 3 shengs sang better than the dans.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the response.
I sort of agreed, but surprised
you didn't pick the last couple.
They are placed in the last item supposedly to be the best,as u ve said the only guy among all ladies.
Overall alot of improvement.
I'm an ex-pupil of Qiu Yong Ji.