June 03, 2010


On Vesak Day, I saw in the news people burning joss-sticks but from what I learnt about Buddhism, Buddhists don't do such thing. They believe in self-reliance.

My family burn joss-sticks, incense papers and we pray to Chinese Gods and to our ancestors. That is Taoism, right?

My earlier contact with Christianity happened when I was in upper secondary. I had a friend and classmate who often invited us, his classmates, to his YFC gatherings. They were held at premises near our school and it was held once week after school. But he did not pester us to go or preach to us. I attended a few sessions

He was a tall pleasant helpful boy who looked like he wouldn't harm a mosquito. It was his conduct and action that impressed me and so gave me a good impression of Christianity too.
It is like the conduct and action of Muslim terrorists that give Islam a bad name. That impression about Christianity remains till now.

Over the years I had young people who came up to my flat to try to talk to me about Christianity or invite me to talks. Usually I just talked to them for a while and then sent them away.

1 comment:

yg said...

frannxis, kindness, helpfulness or thoughtfulness and other virtues are not exclusive to a person of any single religion. i have had experiences similar to yours and, like you, i have not embraced their religion. i have friends whom i consider good persons and they belong to all the major faiths in singapore.