July 22, 2013

Too much of a good thing is not good

When I was a kid, char siew was a rare delicacy. We had it only on certain days like on my father's pay day. When my uncle visited us sometimes he would buy some char siew and bring it to our house. We kids loved char siew and looked forward to eating it. To us, char siew had a certain allure and prestige.

Nowadays, I can eat char siew every day or even at every meal if I want to. Although I still enjoy eating it, it has lost its allure and prestige.

I think it is the same with other good things. Once you get too much of a good thing, it loses its charm or mystique or whatever appeal it used to have.

Another example is movie shows. When I was young I enjoyed going to the cinema and used to wait eagerly for my favourite TV shows. 

For many years now I have not been to a cinema to watch a movie and I don't have any 'must-see' shows whether on normal TV or any other media channels. Even when I read very good reviews about some shows, there is no urge to go and watch them.

1 comment:

FL said...

Agree with you. Kids of yours and my generation are very different from present era. Children in our generation are born from poor families at a time when Singapore was underdeveloped. We didn't have much pocket money as compared with children now. In our times, eating char siew, chicken meat & other delicacies came only during special occasions, like Chinese new years. As kids then, we had to share our foods with our siblings. Nowadays, children have good lives with big pocket money, and they eat big portions meant for adults.
So, it's hard to compare lifestyles.