December 18, 2010

Merry Christmas

There will be no new posts for about 2 weeks.

December 16, 2010

Miscellaneous 2

Blink your eyes, and in two weeks time we will be welcoming a new year. Time passes real fast as if the Earth and all the clocks were getting impatient and moved faster than before. Next month is the 6th anniversary of this blog. Anyone wants to give me presents?

This is
an old phone that I like. I think the model is 6020. It is still functioning well and the battery is also fine. The only disappointment is its rudimentary camera which produces unsatisfactory pictures and videos.

I mentioned
the man who experienced strange happenings in his house (see post below this). I thought he was going to tell us how he managed to subdue the ghost so we could learn from it. But it seems he has removed all the posts related to the strange experiences. Maybe he doesn't want to talk about it anymore.

December 12, 2010


When friends call me on my handphone, they expect me to answer within 10 seconds. Maybe they think I carry my phone with me all the time. This is not so. At home, I leave my phone in the room. If I am doing work in the hall or kitchen, usually I will not be able to reach the phone in 10 sec.

I still have a home phone. Most people who call on this phone are relatives and family members. And they have more patience, sometimes allowing the ringing tone to sound for more than 30 seconds.

Recently I got a NOKIA X3-02. It was ok for about for a few days but after that the screen became frequently unresponsive to touch. I took it to a HELLO shop. I told them the problem. Surprisingly I got a new replacement with little hassle.

Do you believe in ghosts? This man experienced strange happenings in his house. He believes there is a ghost in the house and he thinks he brought it back after attending a funeral:

December 05, 2010

December 02, 2010

曲終人散 何日再會

梁兆明, 黄伟坤 with some members of the Kreta Ayer People's Theatre Foundation Management Committee.

One for the album ...

Bye bye







麥文潔, 李秋元, 梁兆明

December 01, 2010

car inspection

In Singapore, you have to send your car for inspection every 2 years. If your car is over 10 years old, then it is every year. If your car fails the inspection, you have to correct the defects and go for inspection again. Otherwise, you cannot renew your road tax which means you cannot use it on the road.

Last week I sent mine for inspection at a VICOM centre. An inspector drove my car down a lane with a few testing stations. At every station I had to wait anxious moments hoping the car would get the green light.

Soon it was over, lasting just several minutes. It cost me $62.05. My car passed and they gave me a nice certificate printed on good quality paper as if I would put it on the wall for people to see. I think it looks better than my Higher School Certificate.

When I was a child, I had a neighbour who gave tuition to primary school kids at his house. He hung his school certificate on the wall in the hall. I think it was to show that he was qualified.
At that time, getting a SC was an achievement to be proud of.