September 01, 2011

male chicken in geylang

Last week I noticed this eatery along Geylang Road. It is Rooster Hot Pot or Ji Gong Bao. Maybe it is also the Chong Qing type which is quite popular in some parts of China. I think you can find it in some Singapore food courts too.

For your information:
A male chicken is called a rooster or cock.
A young male chicken is a cockerel, usually under one year old.

A female chicken is a hen.

A young bird is a chick.

Cow meat is beef and pig meat is pork but there is no special word for chicken meat. So, chicken can also means chicken meat, for example, Do you eat chicken?

I was looking for food which uses male chicken meat and found these funny food items - steaming cock, spicy deep frying cock, slaver cock, broiling cock ... If you replace cock with chicken, it sounds better.

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