August 04, 2012

踏破铁鞋无觅处 .....

..... 得来全不费功夫。

Have you heard of the above Chinese saying? It says 'walk until your iron shoes are broken and you still can't find what you are looking for and then you get it without any effort'.

I think you must have such experiences before.

One morning I wanted to take a pill from a pack of ten. I pressed the pill against the thin metal foil below it so as to push the pill out. It popped out and dropped down.

Intuitively, I squatted down on the floor to look for it. After searching for about half of the area of the kitchen floor including under the refrigerator, I gave up searching and took another pill from the pack.

Then I picked up a mug of water from the table and ... there it was! The pill had landed behind the mug on the table.

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