January 10, 2007


Hello friends, just thought of 2 questions to 'test' you. The answers are below but make a guess first.

1. Most tests, exams and other hurdles I managed to squeeze through in the first attempt but there was one test which I had to take several times before I got through. What is it?

2. In our jobs there are many things that are stressful, like given a new project to be in charge of. There is one thing that I find very stressful. It doesn’t take very long and is actually quite easy. Ministers do it all the time and PM Lee has done it for as long as 3 hours. What is it?


1. driving test 2. giving a speech


Victor said...

Oops, seeing the dotted lines I thought they were spaces for me to fill in the answers, haha. So I scrolled down and accidentally saw the answers already. You should have provided the answers in the next post mah.

Anyway, I think I would have gotten both answers right. Well okay, maybe for the second one, I might have guessed "giving a presentation" which is quite similar to delivering a speech.

PM is great. He looked like he was speaking off the cuff which not many people are capable of.

Kongming said...

theory test includes or not? hehee... cleared my 2 theories in 1 try... but flip the practical

Anonymous said...

Theory no problem ....got another one also pass theory fail practical. Luckily overall (many components together) pass

Ya Vic, you see PM speaking on tv so relax, like drinking water so easy. I 10 min only so nervous.

Anonymous said...

Yeh .. I got both correct.