September 01, 2007


Hello friends, according to my survey I got only 19 visitors.

But, I can think of some excellent reasons why some visitors didn't 'vote'.

Some were blur, they not sure about what visitors I want to survey - like what Victor said, visit to the pub or temple, opera show or cabaret show, or casino or Batam or whatever.

With this kidnap scam in the news everyday, some thought it was another scam. They scared later I ask them to send money to my bank account.

Then got people who won't do any survey if there are no gifts or prizes. (thought of this reason from Victor's comment)

So if each reason got another 19 people, then I got 76 visitors.

Hahaha......just talking nonsense lah. Anyway Thank You for visiting......... This Blog.

1 comment:

Victor said...

You forgot to mention that there may be people who voted more than once. Some may be just playful while some may have forgotten that they have already voted. As for me, I forgot which category I belonged to, haha.