May 06, 2010

十二欄杆十二釵 Beauty or Ghost

十二欄杆十二釵 - I know of this title but I have not seen the opera before. I searched a bit and found that there was a movie by this name. The leading stars were Yam Kim Fai and Nam Hong.

Here is the story:

十二欄杆十二釵故事講述石東師是專為朝廷訓練十二女歌舞金釵的專師﹐一日王公府欽差大人到來沉香別苑觀看﹐眼見十二金釵皆為美女﹐於是動起色心﹐圖據為己有。石東師不單不從﹐反被打死﹐但欽差大人也顧忌石東師於朝廷訓練歌姬的兒子石竹亭﹐所以冒石東師寫來家書﹐要兒子速回﹐計劃斬草除根。誰知石竹亭數月前 ﹐身染疾病已死﹐家書來到另一宮廷教習司馬雲風 (任劍輝) 手中﹐雲風覺得事有蹺蹊﹐於是到訪沉香別苑。不料得到石東師的死訊﹐家僕祝桃 (梁醒波) 欲言又止似有隱衷﹐而且是夜在青雲塔見一女鬼憑欄凝望﹐加上碰到 11 女鬼在後園哉歌哉舞﹐覺得事更可疑。後來司馬雲風夜探青雲塔﹐偶遇柳飄翠 (南紅) ﹐才洞悉一切﹐11 金釵已歸順王公欽差﹐唯有飄翠不從﹐於是雲風通知深交陳蓄王 (蕭仲坤) 派兵來救﹐拿捕王府欽差人等﹐沉香別苑從此再次太平﹐12 釵女也可繼續歌舞昇平。

電影拍攝於 1964 年﹐同時由百代唱片出版原聲帶唱片。90 年代﹐EMI曾出版CD﹐2005 年就再次出版復刻版CD。

I also found videos of this opera by Leong Yew On and Ngai Wai Ying at Youtube. The person who uploaded them called it " twelve railings and twelve kanzashi ". Anyone knows what kanzashi is.

Last Sunday I watched an excerpt from this opera at Lee Foundation Theatre. It's English title is Beauty or Ghost which is appropriate if you look at the story. It was performed by Chan Mei Yin and Chan Mei Ling from the Kreta Ayer Community Club Cantonese Opera Group.

十二欄杆十二釵 - 梁耀安, 倪慧英


Unknown said...

I found this in Wiki:

Kanzashi (簪) are hair ornaments used in traditional Japanese hairstyles.

In Cantonese opera, there is 紫钗记(the purple hairpin)and in Shaoxing Yue Opera, there is 碧玉簪(the jade hairpin).

I am not sure about the difference between 钗 and 簪.

fr said...

CC, thanks for the information.

Unknown said...



Unknown said...


