February 06, 2011

Harsh truths

It was many years ago. The rain had stopped. I left the car and hurried across the wet ground of the carpark. I stepped on some bird shit, slipped and fell and dislocated my right knee.

It was one harsh experience learned the hard way. After that I always walk with care on wet surfaces. Till now, I didn't have a second fall.

If I were to have that fall later in age, say 60 plus, probably it would have more serious consequences.

Sometimes we learn from other people's experience. However, experiencing something yourself has a greater impact. It sticks with you.

For example, some drivers don't believe they cannot control the car when they drink, until something unpleasant happens to them. Then it sticks with them.

There are a few other such harsh experiences I had. I think I have already mentioned one or two of them before.

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