January 19, 2012

new and original

When you rearrange furniture or things in your house or room to give it a fresh look, it makes you happy. However, the new arrangement is not necessarily better than the old one. It just has a new appeal. Maybe that is why human beings like to see changes once in a while. So, they also take the chance to clean up the house before the Lunar New Year.

Even if you just tidy up a little so that things don't stick out here and there, it makes the place neater. You also feel happy.

Many years ago I was one of the judges for some sketches put up by classes in a school concert. Marks were awarded for originality. That time, we did not think much about this.

I think you are aware that it is not easy to say whether a sketch is original or not. If the judge has not seen it before, it does not mean it is original. If the judge has seen it before, but the producer of the sketch has not seen something like that before and he created it himself, then it is original.

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