February 24, 2007

CO video channels

Hello, cantonese opera fans,

If you like 龍劍笙, 梅雪詩, 任劍輝, 白雪仙 you can visit Melaniemlcheung's channel. Most of her opera videos are on these 4 artistes and some artistes in the 60s like 林家聲.

There are also many cantonese opera videos at Tudou. Just do a search for 粵劇. Three users have uploaded quite a number of cantonese opera videos, one of the channels is dedicated to
龍劍笙, 梅雪詩.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Frannxis, I found my name here!! What a surprise! Great job that you've done. You're very organised. Keep up the good work. Regards - Melanie